Friday, May 27, 2011

Here's to a Relaxing Memorial Day Weekend!

I have a bittersweet update: This morning I submitted my resignation and two week notice in my current position of 2 1/2 years. I will miss my co-workers and all of our science and technology advisees. But I will be starting in a similar position at the end of June at a college where I previously worked for 5 years. I am very much looking forward to this new change and being a part of the GMC family again.

This move also works well in allowing me to complete the considerable amount of hours to meet my practicum requirements this Fall. After my online summer course ends, I will have 1 online class, several extensive video projects, my portfolio and any other requirements with my practicum class to satisfy the M.Ed. objectives and graduate from Georgia Southern University in December 2011 (the weekend of my birthday to be exact). I just received my graduation clearance so it looks like everything is on track on this front too.

Monday, May 9, 2011

April is the Cruelest Month

I have not updated in a long while, because as usual life gets in the way of blogging. I stop by other people's blogs when doing a quick search for a coupon deal or a recipe or to find some other random piece of info for work or class. I am afraid that is the way it will be for the at least the rest of this year.

April was an unusually stressful and trying month -- 3 funerals, 2 sinus infections, 2 20-page papers, a project and finals -- quite a lot to take in during one 30-day time period.

My graduate program starts a week earlier than everyone else on campus (which can be annoying with work stuff that first week) but is definitely nice at the end because my finals week is the week before everyone else. I finished up all of my work last Monday night. A good thing because we're always deluged with students with unfinished business before heading out in different directions for their summer.

I received a nice note from one of my construction management advisees today. His management class had an end of the semester assignment pertaining to how to demonstrate appreciation in an organization when it is not monetarily feasible to do so. This obviously is a realistic exercise for future managers in this economy. Their assignment was to chose someone on campus who has positively impacted their university experience and express their appreciation. The professor attached the note to the assignment and sent them to each individual. What a lovely activity for a management class in the world of furlough days and pay cuts.

Sadly there is nothing domestically or creatively noteworthy to report, unless you count couponing success. I love finding a deal or finagling a free product. I am not ashamed to admit that I have 5 Colgate toothpastes under my bathroom sink that cost less then 50 cents a tube. I hope toothpaste is on everyone's Christmas list this year! Otherwise I've more or less been a total MIA nerd, battling sinus infections and trying to stay afloat with school and work stuff...and the occasional baseball game...